Bureau d'Expertise Peyman Assassi


Who pays for the energy passport?


The costs for the issuing of the energy passport are paid for by the property owner or company that places the order for the energypass.

  • New constructions: the property developer or alternatively the future owner / building Management Company.
  • Extensions, modifications or considerable renovations to the building: the property owner / building Management Company.
  • Rental properties due to a change of tenant: the owner / building Management Company.

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretations that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

Who is responsible for the application of energy passport?

For a new residential building, the energy passport must be order either by the sponsor, the future owner or condominium association. It must accompany the application for authorization to construct, which is to be submitted to the municipality. For an existing building (in case of change of owner or tenant or during upgrades), the energy passport must be order either by the owner or by the condominium association.

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretations that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

What are the objectives of the energy performance certificate?

The certificate provides information on energy efficiency of a building. Thus consumers can differentiate between objects intensive or energy-efficient. In addition the EPC can be an incentive to improve in terms of thermal insulation or technical equipment (heating, solar, etc.).

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretations that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

Does the energy passport need to be supplied?

Yes. At the time of sale, the original is to be given to the new owner. If renting, a copy should be given to the new tenant. On public buildings and communal a reference surface over 1000m2, the certificate is to be placed visibly at the entrance of the building.

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretations that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

What are the different classes of energy performance?

There are 9 classes of energy performance.

New construction must have a certificate from the first four classes:

Class D: Standard house. Class D is usually the minimum dictated which may however vary between E and C depending on the geometry of the building. No special installation of equipment is required.

Class triple C: Lying between the standard house and the low-energy house, she does not need a specific installation of equipments.

Class triple B: Low Energy House. Increased insulation and air tightness and controlled ventilation are imposed. Possibility to have state subsidies.

Class triple A: Passive House. Insulation measures and a larger facility further technical (e.g.: Solar, heating pump, etc.) compared to class B.

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list presente especially as regards a possible divergent interpretations that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

When should an energy performance certificate be established?

For Homes – new construction: The energy performance certificate is mandatory since 1st January 2008 for new construction and in some cases for the extension of an existing building. It must accompany the application for permission to build.

For Homes – Existing buildings: From 1st January 2010 an energy performance certificate is mandatory for a change of owner or tenant.

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretation that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

Do I need an energy passport for residential buildings comprising over 10% of trade?

Current legislation says that an energy passport must be issued for any building:

  1. Construction in which at least 90% of the energy reference area (An) is intended for residential purposes.
  2. Building in which more than 10% of the energy reference area (An) is intended for commercial purposes. A passport based on energy consumption and fuel required.

Source : Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretation that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

What does the 'U-value' indicate?

This is a physical quantity expressing the heat flux through an element of the thermal envelope. Its unit is W/m² K. The higher the thermal conductivity (λ) of an opaque element is small and the thickest layer of the same element, so the ‘U-value’ resulting in it also becomes small. So in other words you can compare the insulation quality of the components of the thermal envelope with the ‘U-value’. In the case of new construction (minimum) or a consolidation of existing buildings the maximum ‘U-value’ must be respected. In the case of windows you can differentiate the values Ug (glass), Uf (framework) and Uw value (whole window).

Source : Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for theaccuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretation that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

Do I need an energetic passport in case of conversion or extension of my house?

Yes, if you build an annex or sanitize a surface greater than 10% of the same element of the thermal envelope, you actually need a passport energy (CPE) for the whole house. If you upgrade your heating system and/or hot water preparation for an amount greater than 1500€ (single family), the CPE should also be established for the whole building. This threshold value is 3000€ in the case of a residence.

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretations that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

What is the difference between Ecopass (Ökopass, Oeko-Pass) and the energy performance certificate?

The official name of the document describing the energy efficiency of buildings is energy performance certificate (CPE or Energy passport, passport or pass energy). The designation Ecopass (Eco-Pass) is not found in any legislative or official document. ‘Eco’ stands for ‘ecology’ and does not describe the actual document. Ecology is a broad term that is often used as synonymous with environmental protection. Ecology therefore incorporates many more aspects than just the energy performance of buildings. It also includes e.g. consumption of water and electricity or the environmental performance of building materials. Moreover, the Oeko-Pass is a monthly subscription basis of public transport.

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list presente especially as regards a possible divergent interpretation that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

How long is an energy passport valid?

An energy passport is valid for 10 years from the date of issue. If during the validity period, planning permission for renovations or extensions to an existing property or since January 1st 2010 for modifications not requiring planning permission are made to the building or technical installations which significantly impact the energy efficiency of the building, a new energy pass is required to include the changes / improvements.

Source: Myenergy

Disclaimer of Liability
These responses were written in the idea of facilitating the implementation of the provisions of the règlement grand-ducal about energy performance. The authors disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy, quality and timeliness of information and interpretations contained in the list present especially as regards a possible divergent interpretations that could have the Courts Jurisdiction in any dispute.

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